Friday, December 2, 2022

NB-ESTATES IN HLN: What does goalkeeper Simon Mignolet say about NB-ESTATES (Freyke Van Looveren and Carl Vorsselmans)

I ended up looking for a local Belgian specialist who could help us. That's how I ended up with Freyke Van Looveren and Carl Vorsselmans of Nieuwbouw in Spanje. They spent a good year getting everything in order and we are very grateful to them for that, because without them we would have worried often and for a long time."


The couple knew exactly what kind of villa they wanted and what the interior should look like, but what they had no control over was the construction itself. "Everything was very laborious, from getting the permit to finishing the house. It didn't help that I didn't speak the language perfectly, didn't have time to visit the site and had to arrange everything remotely. In the end, I started looking for a local Belgian specialist who could help us. That's how I ended up with Freyke Van Looveren and Carl Vorsselmans of Nieuwbouw in Spanje. They spent a good year getting everything in order and we are very grateful to them for that, because without them we would have worried often and for a long time."